FrameFlow Newsletter - November 2017

Keep Up to Date on the Latest FrameFlow News

Version 2017.7

Our sincere thanks go out to those of you who have downloaded the 2017.7 pre-release and taken it for a spin. We have received amazing feedback with heaps of praise for the new interface and many suggestions for further improvements. For the last few weeks we’ve been working to incorporate some of those suggestions. There isn’t time for them all but we have them on our lists and we’ll get to them in builds that will come after the official 2017.7 release.

Target Release Date

No promises but we are targeting an official release date for Monday December 18th. We have a lot of things to get in place before the official release including an updated web site and some exciting new technical support options. We’re working hard on all of these fronts and can’t wait to share the results with you.

Feed the Suggestion Box

Even before v2017.7 is out the door we are already in the planning phase for the next major release. This is the perfect time to register your vote for the features and functionality that you’d love to see added to FrameFlow. No matter if they are big or small, send your suggestions to us at We’ll add them to the list of proposed features and we’ll go over each and every one of them as we make our plans for releases in 2018.

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