VMware VMs Bandwidth Event Monitor Reference Guide

VMware VMs Bandwidth Event Monitor

Monitors the bandwidth used by VMs hosted by VMware servers.


This event monitor can detect incoming, outgoing, and total bandwidth and offers options to alert if any exceed specified values. It collects graph data for the incoming, outgoing, and total bandwidth rates.

Use Cases

  • Detecting VMs that are using excessive bandwidth
  • Displaying graph data to track bandwidth trends

Monitoring Options

This event monitor provides the following options:

Alert with [Info/Warning/Error/Critical] if the device cannot be contacted

Use this option to receive alerts if FrameFlow cannot contact the selected device.

Alert if the incoming bandwidth on any interface exceeds a specified rate

Use this option to receive alerts if the incoming bandwidth exceeds the rates you specify.

Alert if the outgoing bandwidth on any interface exceeds a specified rate

Use this option to receive alerts if the outgoing bandwidth exceeds the rates you specify.

Alert if the total bandwidth rate on any interface exceeds a certain rate

This option alerts you based on the total bandwidth rate and will notify you if the rates exceed those you specify.

Authentication and Security

The account that you specify must have view permissions for the VMware REST API or have admin rights.


Data Points

This event monitor generates the following data points:

Data Point Description
Incoming The incoming bandwidth rate.
Outgoing The outgoing bandwidth rate.
Total The total bandwidth rate.

Sample Output


To view the tutorial for this event monitor, click here.

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