Amazon AWS DynamoDB Event Monitor Reference Guide

Amazon AWS DynamoDB Event Monitor

Monitors AWS DynamoDB tables and runs PartiQL statements.


Checks any Amazon AWS DynamoDB table and runs PartiQL statements. It shows the results retrieved and alerts based on values found in the results.

Use Cases

  • Running PartiQL queries automatically
  • Monitoring metrics for every table and specific tables

Monitoring Options

This event monitor provides the following options:

Alert with [Info/Warning/Error/Critical] if AWS cannot be contacted

This option sends you an alert if the event monitor cannot establish a connection to AWS.

Note: This event monitor queries AWS DynamoDB. AWS charges your account based on the number of queries you run.

Table Size Options

Alert if any table is larger than a specified size

This option will send you an alert if any table is larger than the size you specify.

Alert if the table [TABLE] is larger than a specified size

This option will alert you if the table you specify in the text box is larger than the specified size.

Consumed Read Capacity

Alert if any table has consumed read capacity larger than a specified capacity

This option will send an alert if any table has consumed read capacity larger than what you've specified.

Alert if the table [TABLE] has consumed read capacity larger than a specified capacity

Check this box to receive an alert if the table you choose has consumed read capacity larger than specified.

Alert if the total consumed read capacity across all tables is larger than a specified capacity

Check this box to receive an alert if the total consumed read capacity across all tables is larger than the capacity you specify.

Alert if any table has consumed read capacity percentage larger than a specified amount

This option will send an alert if any table has consumed read capacity percentage larger than what you've specified.

Alert if the table [TABLE] has consumed read capacity percentage larger than a specified amount

Check this box to receive an alert if the table you designate has consumed read capacity larger than the amount you've specified.

Consumed Write Capacity

Alert if any table has consumed write capacity larger than a specified capacity

This option will send an alert if any table has consumed write capacity larger than what you've specified.

Alert if the table [TABLE] has consumed write capacity larger than a specified capacity

This option will alert you if the table you specify has consumed write capacity larger than a specified amount.

Alert if the total consumed write capacity across all tables is larger than a specified capacity

This option will send an alert if the total consumed write capacity for all tables is larger than the capacity you specify.

Alert if any table has consumed write capacity percentage larger than a specified amount

This option will send an alert if any table has consumed write capacity percentage larger than what you've specified.

Alert if the table [TABLE] has consumed read capacity percentage larger than a specified amount

This option will alert you if a table you designate has consumed read capacity higher than an amount you specify.

Provisioned Read Capacity

Alert if any table has provisioned read capacity larger than a specified capacity

This option will send an alert if any table has provisioned read capacity larger than what you've specified.

Alert if the table [TABLE] has provisioned read capacity larger than a specified capacity

Select this option to monitor a specific table and receive an alert if its provisioned read capacity exceeds a limit you specify.

Alert if the total provisioned read capacity across all tables is larger than a specified capacity

This option will alert you if the total provisioned read capacity for all your tables exceeds the capacity you specify.

Provisioned Write Capacity

Alert if any table has provisioned write capacity larger than a specified capacity

This option will send an alert if any table has provisioned write capacity larger than what you've specified.

Alert if the table [TABLE] has provisioned write capacity larger than a specified capacity

This option will alert you if the specified table has provisioned read capacity that's larger that the number you've specified.

Alert if the total provisioned write capacity across all tables is larger than a specified capacity

This option lets you specify a provisioned write capacity limit for all tables. If the combined provisioned write capacity across all tables exceeds the value you specify, you'll receive an alert.


Alert if any tables has not been backed up in the past X days

This option will alert you if the last backup for any table is longer than the number of days you specify as a limit.

Alert if the table [TABLE] has not been backed up in the past X days

This option monitors a specific table and alerts you if it hasn't been backed up in a specified number of days.

PartiQL Command

PartiQL Statement to Run

Paste your PartiQL statement into the text box provided. Below, there are options for how FrameFlow will analyze the data returned.

Show the first [#] result rows in all notifications

This option lets you choose how many result rows will show in the event text generated by the event monitor each time it runs.

Display result data in a table

Check this box to include a table of result data in the event text each time the event monitor runs.

Include column names

This option lets you add column names to the result data table you selected in the last option.

Alert with [Info/Warning/Error/Critical] if a specified text value is found in the results

With this option, you can receive an alert of your choosing if a string of text you specify is found in the results.

Record data points based on values in the results

This option lets you create custom data points based on data from the event monitor's results. Each entry in this table requires a label, row, attribute, comparison, value, alert level, and data type to help categorize the data in results and graphs.

Alert if more than a specified number of records are returned

This option alerts you if more than the expected/desired number of records are returned.

Alert if less than a specified number of records are returned

This option alerts you if less than the expected/desired number of records are returned.

Alert if the query takes more than a specified amount of time to complete

This option will send an alert if your query takes more than a specified amount of time to complete.

Event Text Options

Show the size for all tables

Checking this box will include the size of all tables in the event text generated each time the event monitor runs.

Show the provisioned capacity for all tables

Check this box to include the provisioned read and write capacities for all tables in the event text.

Show the consumed capacity for all tables

Check this box to include the consumed read and write capacities for all tables in the event text.

Show the last backup date for all tables

This box, when checked, will include the last backup date for all tables in the event text.

Authentication and Security

The account that is used to authenticate must have read permission for Amazon AWS DynamoDB API.


Data Points

This event monitor generates the following data points for each table it finds:

Data Point Description
Read Capacity The provisioned read capacity for the table.
Write Capacity The provisioned write capacity for the table.
Storage Size The total size of the table.

Sample Output


To view the tutorial for this event monitor, click here.

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