Day 13: Event History

30 Days of FrameFlow

Time to Read: 5 Minutes

About Event History

Event History is a hub for all past monitoring results that you can access using the gray sidebar on the left of FrameFlow's interface. Upon visiting this section, you'll see the list of monitoring events from all network devices and event monitors. You can use information from the Event History to search for error events, track patterns over time, and sort through the thousands of alerts and checks that a large organization tends to rack up in a short amount of time.

Sorting Events

On the left-hand side of the Event History, you have several options that help you parse through a large number of events more conveniently. You can use these options to sort by specific statuses, non-success states, or even search for specific events using keywords. These and more sorting options are also available in the dropdown menu shown below.

Using the blue Actions menu, you can select and remove events, refresh the Event History, or export the Event History as a PDF. Below these options, you can sort by event monitor or device name and choose the number of recent events that will be shown on one page.

Click on a recent event to expand it and view more details. You can use the Actions menu to the right of each event to create a ticket related to the event. Learn more about creating tickets using our tutorial on tickets.

Searching Events

To search events, click on the "Search for Events" item below the tree structure. This will open a tool that lets you search through past monitoring results. You can filter based on network device, event monitor, date, and even search for specific text strings.


Now that you know all about FrameFlow's Event History, you can begin using it to sort and search through past monitoring results to find past and current issues and determine patterns about your network devices. Tomorrow, we'll cover the Reports section. Don't miss out!

Day 12: PowerShell Scripting Day 14: Reports